Thursday, 31 January 2008

Diversion of Attention from the National Cause

Ko Htike’s Original post in Burmese
as his points are important for all Burmese who really want to see the Freedom of Burma.

Translated: Sit Mone
January 30, 2008

Military Junta of Burma’s current strategy is “To Counter the Media War with Media War”. In this process Junta started spreading the gossip news among the Burmese youth to divert the attention from the National cause.

Most of the Burmese youth were well aware of Oppression, Injustice of the Military Junta of Burma. However, while most of the Burmese youth attention was on the current Military Generals atrocities, some of them were paying attention to the gossips relating personal affairs of the famous artists of Burma.

Some of the news were authentic and some were just merely rumors. Some were aware of military Junta’s new strategy. However, most of the youth have shown interest of the famous artist Nandar Hlaing’s gossip voice file more than, the news of arrested activist Ko Htin Kyaw’s hunger strike.

There were video clips of porn movies, actually which were cut and pasted from foreign porn movie into Burmese porn clips with the name of ….so and so Burmese Models and artists. The sad news is many Burmese have shown interest and wasting their time discussing who is who in these clips. I feel sorry for those who were arrested while preparing to celebrate Independence Day in Burma.

At the same time our Burmese youth out there were busy searching these clips.

This is very important time for Min Ko Naing and 88 generation students, as Junta is preparing to charge them in a court. At the same time another porn video clip has emerged in Internet which claimed that it was a famous male artist with a daughter of a Minister.

I would like to remind all Burmese youth, the importance of this video clips is so insignificant, when compare to the suffering of the oppressed Burmese people. So be aware of attention diversion news of Military junta.

With regards

Ko Htike

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