Saturday, 5 April 2008

People threatened to support the draft constitution

By U Sein Kyi/ Lieng Lern
Shan Herald Agency for News

Local authorities are ordering the people to support the new constitutional referendum in May, with threats on those who might say no to the draft, according to residents of Namkham Township, on the Sino-Burma border.

On 31 March 2008 at 2 pm, Township Peace and Development Council (TPDC) chairman U Tin Hlaing held a meeting at (TPDC) office with headmen from 30 village tracts. One village tract had to be represented by at least 1 person.

"U Tin Hlaing explained to the villagers how to vote in May for constitutional referendum and how the local authorities would observe them [people]", said a local.

"The local authorities will check the ballots after the polling station is closed. If they [local authorities] find out who is against the draft constitution they will detain him/ her to be interrogated immediately why he/ she is opposing it," said the source.

In Burma, local authorities in every state are urging people to renew ID cards to support the new constitutional referendum to be held in May 2008 and the general election to be held in 2010.

A respected politician from southern Shan State has counseled that the constitutional referendum should not be boycotted 'at least for the sake of one’s own safety and well being. "However, according to the referendum law promulgated on 26 February, secret ballot is allowed and votes will be immediately counted after voting in the presence of the voters.

“If so,” he advises, “we should all vote.” As for saying yes or no to the draft constitution, “which 99.9% of the people have never seen,” let alone understand the contents, "The core of the constitution is the continuation of the military rule. Please ask yourself if you want it? If you do, just mark ‘Yes’. If you don’t want it, just mark ‘No’."

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