Thursday, 26 June 2008

Poet remanded to custody for jeering at junta supremo

Mizzima News

25 June 2008, Chiang Mai – Famous poet Ko Saw Wai, who had jeered at ageing SPDC Chairman Snr. Gen.Than Shwe calling him 'power crazy' was remanded for the third time by the Bahan Township court yesterday.

His poem 'February 14' disguised as a 'St. Valentine's Day poem' had appeared in January this year in the Rangoon-based weekly journal 'Ah Chit' (Love). The sentence 'power crazy Senior General Than Shwe' appeared when the first word of each stanza in his poem was pieced together.

This information circulated among the people and finally the authorities got to hear of it. Then the government, which is over-sensitive regarding any criticism, arrested the poet immediately.

The prosecutor charged him in court under section 505(b) of the Criminal Code which says 'with intent to cause harm to any section of the public to commit an offence against the State or against the public tranquility'. Although the government allowed him a lawyer to defend him, the court delayed permission for his lawyer to appear and defend him in court, until today.

"Ko Saw Wai has been produced before the court three times, the last time was yesterday. The court has examined two witnesses, one from the Censor Board and another from the 'Love' weekly journal. His lawyer could not represent him as the court delayed granting him a defence lawyer to represent Ko Saw Wai's case. Ko Saw Wai had to represent himself in his case," his wife Daw Nan San San Aye, who visited the court, told Mizzima.

The authority arrested the poet on January 22, 2008.

The poem is as follows:-

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